Sunday, December 20, 2009


This month I taught the elementary students about Michelangelo and his work. I thoroughly enjoyed learning about him, and I loved teaching the students about his work. It was a bit tricky since he loved to paint people in the nude, but there were some great resources aimed especially for children, so it worked out just fine. I did, however, get in trouble by a vigilant first grader who objected to my choice of words. I was telling the students how Michelangelo had overheard a man criticizing his painting of The Last Judgement, so he just decided to paint the man into the picture, and of course, the critic was pictured in hell! (Where else?) I was called on the carpet for saying a bad word! oops
It was amazing to see how much difference the cleaning of the ceiling in the Sistine Chapel made! After about 500 years of dust and grime, the painting was rather obscured! But the cleaning (which took 10 years!) revealed the bright colors Michelangelo used all those years ago.
Now I would love to travel to Italy to see these masterpieces! I have great respect for Michelangelo and his work.


Unknown said...

Is that the Pieta?? I appreciate your love for the best art! I think it's time to make a trip to the Sistine Chapel don't you..?

Unknown said...

That "Elder" refers to Elder Constantine by the way...currently known as Richard:-)

LKB said...

Hey Anne....I just barely read the post that you put on my blog. I have been a terrible blogger. I am still working but we get 2 months off in the summer so that is why I posted that. I am grateful for technology in the fact that we are able to keep in touch. I read Jena's blog from time to time and it great to see how she has become a wife and mother. I taught her in the sunbeams. It seems impossible that she is all grown up and Jessie is getting married...Wow! It is fun to keep in touch.